Do You Have Imposter Syndrome?
This article is about confidence in your own skill set, and the doubt that many professionals have in their own abilities. Imposter Syndrome is the self-doubt that one feels when they do not believe in the extent of their skills and feel as if they are tricking their peers into believing that they know what they are doing. I found that this idea of being an “imposter” not only impacts professional skills but also affects our everyday lives out of the workplace. Whether it be in school projects, sports competitions or any event where we display our abilities to the public. Imposter syndrome can negatively interact with self-esteem and confidence, through comparing ourselves to our peers. These comparisons can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, reinforcing the idea that we are “imposters”, which leads us to hold ourselves back due to fear of making mistakes in front of others.
To overcome this, be confident in your choices and skillset, and to remember that your peers most likely feel the same way.
Lianne Chiang